Wayuu clans have a story to tell

Wayuu clans have a story to tell The Wayuu people are governed by a matrilineal bond. Each clan or caste divides the Wayuu people, and they possess their own territory and totemic animal. Approximately 30 clans are estimated to exist, with notable ones including Epieyuu, Uriana, and Ipuana. Püshaina, Uraliyuu, Jusayuu; Sapuana, Epinayuu, among others. […]

The Wayuu Culture, Customs to Explore

The Wayuu culture

The Wayuu Culture, Customs to Explore In Wayuu culture, there are still many unexplored aspects that require further exploration, as certain elements remain less known or discussed. As observers, we have witnessed that this culture is rich with enduring customs and beliefs. Here are some of them: Kanasü Kanasü, the art of weaving designs, is […]