Art of the Wayuu People

Art of the Wayuu People The art of the Wayuu people is very varied and fascinating, they create unique and colorful pieces; They tend to be very creative with everything they do, and all of this is part of their ancestral heritage. The art of the Wayuu community is usually inspired by the vision they […]
The Best Wayuu Accessories For Your Outfit

The Best Wayuu Accessories For Your Outfit Accessories for your outfit The best Wayuu accessories have quality, artisanal design, and are perfect for your outfit. At, we present you with the most popular Wayuu products that you can use to give more style to your outfit. How to improve your style with Wayuu accessories? […]
Why We Are Your Best Option to Buy Wayuu Items?

Why We Are Your Best Option to Buy Wayuu Items? What is Wayuu Market? We serve as a gateway to the captivating world of the Wayuu people, empowering artisanal rural communities through our online marketplace for small producers. Thousands of women from the deserts of La Guajira bring their dreams to life by weaving intricate […]
The wayuu artisan industry

The Wayuu Artisan Industry Who are the Wayuu? The Wayuu artisan people are the largest indigenous manufacturing community of the Americas. Most tribesmen and women reside along the northern territory of Colombia and Venezuela. The official authorities report over 270.000 people belonging to the indigenous group living in Colombia alone. The Wayuu are descendants of the […]
Colombian Wayuu Bags and Wayuu Economy

Colombian Wayuu Bags and Wayuu Economy The basis of the economy It is certain that Colombian Wayuu bags are a fundamental part of the mixed economy of the Wayuu culture. It requires activities such as fishing, sea salt exploitation, and commerce. Additionally, goat herding represents the main wealth for the Wayuu people. It is used […]